Life, Politics

Happy Birthday President Obama on August 4

Tomorrow August 4 is President Barack Obama’s 49th birthday. He was born in my home state of Hawaii on August 4, 1961 (after Hawaii had attained statehood on August 21, 1959) at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children on Punahou Street in Honolulu. His white mother was from the state of Kansas and his black father was from the country of Kenya. His parents met at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (also my alma mater).

Organizing for America is hosting a birthday party (with cake) for the President at the Joel D. Valdez Main Library downtown, 9 to 11 a.m. tomorrow, at 101 N. Stone Avenue.

President Barack Obama (official photo)

RSVP to organizer Jessica Pacheco (see email address below) if you can attend.
Here’s the event description:

“Wednesday, August 4th is our national day of action to honor President Obama’s Birthday. Stop by to sign his birthday card and make calls to folks in our community and inviting them to join us in our efforts to Turn Arizona Around. Please bring water, a cell phone and cell phone charger with you. If you are bringing a guest please reply to and include their full name and phone number so we may accurately plan for your Day of Action. Cake will be served. If you would like to bring food or refreshments, please include in your RSVP. Thank You!”

Hau’oli La Hanau (Happy Birthday in Hawaiian) to President Obama!


0 thoughts on “Happy Birthday President Obama on August 4

  1. Charles Clemens says:

    Who was the doctor?

    Who was present at the birth?

    Why is the hospital not admiting his birth?

    What public official has ever handled (touched) the birth certificate?

    Why has Barry been using a social security number issued out of CT?

    • songlady says:

      Charles, why don’t you find the answer to these questions yourself and post links to the proof?  We would all like to see. 

  2. fraser007 says:

    Hey Carolyn you sure opened a can of worms. There are just too many questions about this guy and where he was born. I dont have any answers and have followed it from afar but there are too many questions. Obama could have put this all to bed a long time ago.

    • erniemccray says:

      Obama put this all to bed when he was born and it was recorded by the state of Hawaii. What do “questions” have to do with it?

  3. ado1 says:

    Happy Birthday to the U.S. President!

    That  being said, there are certainly a good many unanswered questions about his birthplace,  AND efforts to affirm it have been consistently blocked and impeded by the Obama people.  Another matter they are blocking access to is his college admission papers, which would of course list his country of origin, minority status, etc.  One can only speculate as to why the Obama legal team is hard at work preventing investigative journalists access to his admissions records.  I think it is fair to ask the question what does he have to hide?

  4. fraser007 says:

    If it were true that he was not born here it would create the greatest crisis since the start of this country. It would be so easy for him to clear this up.

    • ado1 says:

      No more a crisis than Richard Nixon and Watergate.  The president would resign and Vice President Joe Biden would be immediately in over his head.  That’s the real crisis, Joe Biden sitting in the Oval Office with his mouth running non-stop.

  5. leftfield says:

    Oh for heaven’s sake.  Can’t you lunatics move on to some other paranoid right-wing fantasy?  Why don’t you go back to the one about the black helicopters and the blue helmets, or maybe the one about the hammer and sickle on the Kennedy half dollar?  You were all big on fluoridation of water being a commie plot; why not flog that dog for a while? 

    • ado1 says:

      Our token Communist speaks.  Unlike the communist governments you so much admire,  there is still freedom of the press and freedom of speech and the right to assemble in this country.  I’m sure you would like to see a Tienanmen Square massacre happen in AZ to put down those of us who refuse to buy into your communist agenda. 

      The right to question a sitting president’s credentials has not yet been taken away by people of your kind.

      • leftfield says:

        It’s really the right to be a fool that you people are exercising.  I’m trying to save you further embarassment, ado.  Haven’t you figured out yet that no proof forthcoming from any source will dissuade you from believing this nonsense? 

      • ado1 says:

        And to trivialize, minimize, and try to marginalize dissenting opinions is a tried and true communist propaganda method, but wait, I’m stating the obvious aren’t I?  Thanks for the lesson Lefty, and the reminder…

      • sethers says:

        Correct me if I am wrong, but in communism, “to trivialize, minimize, and the marginalize dissenting opinions” would come from the government itself rather than a commenter on a blog…Whether or not said commenter is a proselytizes communism. Thus, under the auspices of your theory you comments would not have even been posted. Or perhaps the fact that you are allowed to post at all is just part of a larger Oboman conspiracy to satisfy dissenters?

  6. fraser007 says:

    We are glad you are from Indonesia. I thought Obama was born in Hawaii from a father from Kenya and a mother from USA.

    • Carolyn Classen says:

      President Obama’s step father was from Indonesia, and Barack lived in Jakarta for 4 years before returning to Honolulu to attend Punahou School.

  7. Charles Clemens says:

    Why hasn’t the hospital come forward to collect a $10,000 reward offerd by World News Daily? All they have to do is confirm the birth.

    Why don’t you answer that “leftfield”, you’re an america hater.

  8. leftfield says:

    All they have to do is confirm the birth.

    This is, unfortunately, simply not true.  The truth is that more than enough proof has been forthcoming and no amount of proof will shut you birthers up.  You would simply find the fact that the reward was offered as proof that the evidence was tainted.  Besides, most rational people think that dealing with your paranoid fantasies is tantamount to dignifying them at this point. 

    It’s time to join the adults and face the fact that Obama is the president.  You can put your efforts into preventing his re-election if you wish. 

  9. ralfie says:

    Sheriff Joe in Phoenix, has Obama scared to come here. Why else has he never visited the border he claims to be an expert, about?

  10. Charles Clemens says:

    Just look at the gibberish spewed out by un-american “leftfield”. I presented numerous questions. Look at what this thing writes.

    This is the type vermin that you have running your country people. You had better wake up. Oh yeah, before I forget. Yes, i’m a racist.

    • erniemccray says:

      Just what is the definition of “un-American” that applies to leftfield? His questioning? His intellect? His willingness to take ignorance on? His not being among the “silent majority?” His actually being an American? His acceptance that Obama is a citizen? And if vermin is running our country how does harping about citizenship correct such a situation?

  11. fraser007 says:

    Oh God, Carolyn look what you started!!!!!! (You still have have the nicest sites at the Citizen)…at least the most civil and the one with the fewest agendas.

  12. Charles Clemens says:

    “erniemccray”, leftfield,  like you are Obots. You come on a forum, in this case an article written by an uninformed lawyer, and you mis-lead people. 

    You are un american as well. Pretending their is not an upsurper in the White House. You see, you count on coming on a site and confusing the reader. Why don’t you just answer on of the initial questions? You can’t! Tell the readers who the doctor is? Why isn’t there a plaque commentorating the Hawaii Hospital where he was born? Why has Obama fought the release of virtually every record?

    How do you even know that his name is Obama? In what court did he have his name changed from Soetoro to Obama? 

    Please, answer the questions and don’t push your liberal diatribes on me. 

    • leftfield says:

      I gotta tell ya, Charley, I think the burden of proof is on you, not me. 

      Unfortunately for you and yours, the SCOTUS, even though packed with right-wingers,  has declined to hear the case.  So, it becomes moot as regards to the President remaining in office.  If you want to waste your time sharing paranoid conspiracy theories about how the entire citizenry of Hawaii is under threat of death from laser beams if they reveal the truth they all know about how the young Obama was whisked into the state on a black helicopter because the evil liberals knew they would be electing him forty years down the road, go ahead. 

      BTW – I don’t have any liberal diatribes to lay on you because I’m not a liberal.  Look again at my avatar.  Doesn’t that face look the least familiar to you? 

    • erniemccray says:

      I’ve tried to confuse a reader – in what way? I’m pushing a liberal diatribe – how? I’m un-American – since when? I work everyday in trying to present my feelings concise, to the point, and I speak from my own truths as opposed from liberalism and I exercise and appreciate my rights as an American with nearly every breath I take. These conversations aren’t games with me; and to me Obama is the man’s name because he says it is. I’ll call him anything he wants to be called.

  13. wyattearp says:

    Does not matter where Barry, Barack, Soetoro, Obama., or what ever he wants to call himslf, HIT the GROUND, he is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN(NBC)!         US constitution Art1; sec2; cl 5.      states .     Only a natural born citizen, OR A citizen at the time of the adoption of this constitution shall be eligable to hold the office of President”    The FRAMERS took the definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN from Emerich De La Vattel’s “The Law of Nations” meaning BORN on USA SOIL of CITIZEN  PARENTS( 2 or both parents must be USA citizens)!         Little BARRY’s father was a SUBJECT of the BRITISH EMPIRE!   He was never “NATURALIZED”!      If BARRY was indeed born in HAWII he was bestowed DUAL CITIZENSHIP as per the BRITISH NATIONALITY ACT of 1948!   Giving Obama-Bin-Lyin the benefit of the doubt, he remains a regular 14 Ammendment citizen, and not ELIGABLE for POTUS!    

    Here is where things get a little complex.     AZ senator John McCAIN’s Panamanian Birth certificate MONKEY WRENCHED his 2008 bid for the Presidency. (his birth certificate is as comical as both of O-dumbo’s FAKES).               After NASTY NANCY Pelosi (D-cal) personnelly VETTED the new HOT SHOT Senator , congress held a last minute session  to bestow NBC status upon John McCain, based upon his birth on foriegn soil, by 2 CITIZEN PARENTS.    SENATE RESOLUTION 511 was the biggest BIPARTISAN usurpation of the CONSTITUTION in the history of our NATION!    Makes NIXON’s spying on the DEMS look like a GIRL SCOUT prank!

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