Arts, Life

Grand opening of new Unscrewed Theater on January 31 and Feb. 1

Unscrewed Theater front door, courtesy of Jon Scanlon

Unscrewed Theater front door, courtesy of Jon Scanlon

It’s soon that time when the doors of the newly built Unscrewed Theater at 3244 E. Speedway (east of Country Club, across from the Loft Theater) will be opening for their first shows.


Save the dates January 31 and February 1st for their first comedy shows at this location (parking in the rear), for only $5 per show, at 7:30 p.m. both nights.

They will also have adults only shows at 10 p.m. on both nights (uncensored, so leave the kids at home). Same price.

This theater is home of the Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed (NBOJU) improv comedy troupe, which has been performing all over Tucson at 4 different locations for over 10 years. My previous post (with photos) about their successful fundraiser at the Loft in November (click here).

On Friday night I was invited to a preview show/soft opening during which the half the troupe members practiced their “games” for the upcoming grand opening. One particularly funny scene was when a woman and 3 men acted out a Dating Game TV show (for unlikely prospects). They were as hilarious as ever, so save the dates for this weekend and your $5 bills, and show up to support this lively, comedic group in their quest to bring laughter to audiences in Tucson. You can also help by becoming a member, or purchasing a name plate (for $100) for one of the chairs in the theater. 41 name plates have been sold to date, out of 96 chairs in total.

More at their website, or find them on facebook at:

You can drop by the Unscrewed Theater on Thursday or Friday, 12 to 5 p.m. when Michael Pierce will be there to sell tickets to all four weekend shows. Best to park in the back parking lot, entrance from Walgreen’s which is along Anderson Blvd.,just off Speedway.

Arts, Life

Unscrewed Improv Comedy fundraiser a HUGE success (photos)

Indeed it was “Money for the Funny” last night at a full house at the Loft Theater, when 3 improv groups performed a benefit for the Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed (NBOJU) comedy troupe. Games/skits were performed by NBOJU in the first and second halves, and also by Tucson Improv Movement (T.I.M. performs here in Tucson at the Red Barn) and an all female improvisation group Mail Order Bride from Phoenix. NBOJU has been “making stuff up” & performing all over town for about 11 years in Tucson.

Prior to the show a reception with Greek food from Fronimos (across the street at 3242 E. Speedway) and “unscrewed drivers” were enjoyed by the crowd. Then the improv groups performed “everything made up tonight” with suggestions shouted out as usual by the audience. Some of the hilarious “games” were called Objection, the Switcheroo, Rewind, the Oracle (seer), Switch Left, Hesitation,etc.

Photos below taken by a loyal friend of NBOJU – free lance photogrpaher Jon Scanlon. The UT red balloons on stage stand for “Unscrewed Theater” the name of their new theater, to open in January 2014.

Full house at the Loft theater at "Money for the Funny" benefit

Full house at the Loft theater at “Money for the Funny” benefit

NBOJU group: L-R Mike Pierce, Cris Candelario, Priscilla Fernandez, Jessica Spenny, Rob Sparks

NBOJU group: L-R Mike Pierce, Cris Candelario, Priscilla Fernandez, Jessica Spenny, Rob Sparks

Tucson Improv Movement players on the stage

Tucson Improv Movement players on the stage

Mail Order Bride players on the stage performing a long form comedy

Mail Order Bride players on the stage performing a long form comedy

There was also a 50/50 raffle ($282), speed live auctions of 5 business packages (from Cristobal Photography, Peaceful Spirit massages, a Star Party for 12, a Matthew Shapley psychic reading, and a hand made puppet byThe Tucson Puppet Lady).

Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild and his wife Karen were present last night. His Honor & another audience volunteer took the stage in the second half of the program, to assist with words needed by 2 NBOJU players planning for a quinceanera.

NBOJU players who performed last night at the "Money for the Funny" benefit

NBOJU players who performed last night at the “Money for the Funny” benefit

Current NBOJU Players (14 of whom performed last night, in alphabetical order):
Gail Adamatis, Matt Beaudry, Jon Benda, Cris Candelario, Rosanne Crago, Priscilla Fernandez, Andrew Jones, Boz Lomasney, Hilary Jones, Michael Pierce, Monica Rhodes, Chris Seidman, Scott Shaver, Rob Sparks, Jessica Spenny, Gretchen Wirges

After the show there was an informal tour/open house of the new NBOJU theater currently under construction just across the street, called “Unscrewed Theater” at 3244 E. Speedway. There will be classrooms as well as a stage. The group needs donations to help build this theater, so please donate online (Indiegogo campaign) at or at 520-861-2986. Check their Facebook page for

Arts, Life

“Inequality for All” movie held over at the Loft


For over a month now, the Loft Theater at 3233 E. Speedway has been showing a movie called “Inequality for All”, starring Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton. Read more about attorney/professor Reich (click here).

In lectures, books, and years of commentary, former labor secretary and current UC Berkeley Professor Robert Reich has argued passionately that widening income inequality poses one of the most severe threats to our economy and democracy. Filmmaker Jacob Kornbluth, inspired by Reich’s book Aftershock, tackles this massive topic by effectively adapting Reich himself into documentary form. Asking how we got here and what happens if we don’t act, Kornbluth and Reich dissect countless issues – among them wage stagnation, consolidated wealth, manufacturing, financial instruments, capital markets, globalization, and election politics – with an uncanny ability to render complex principles digestible. In addition to interviews with other economists, politicians, and experts, Kornbluth documents the struggles of regular working people for whom the American dream is increasingly untenable.

In this An Inconvenient Truth for the economy, Reich presents a compelling, intellectually rigorous narrative bolstered by abundant research and graphics. In upholding rational inquiry over ideological prisms, he encourages us (as he does his students) not to share his opinion but to challenge our own assumptions. (Dir. by Jacob Kornbluth, 2013, USA, 85 mins., Rated PG, RADiUS-TWC) Digital

I went to see this movie on Tuesday, and it is a powerful, disturbing film about the growing income gaps between the lower classes and the top 400 wealthy billionaries in America. Reich talks about the “status, privilege and power” of the top 1% (those earning more than $380,000/year), as well as the history of this inequality since the 1970’s when more women started working, people began to borrow on credit, unions lost power, and political polarization began. The Occupy Movement is shown as well, and the history of the lowering of taxes on corporations & the wealthy. By the way, I was present here at a Tucson labor union hall when Robert Reich came to campaign on behalf of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, but not sure exactly which year that was (probably 2008).

This movie is showing twice (or once) a day for at least another week, but check the Loft website for exact show times.

Arts, Life

Classic “Singing in the Rain” at the Fox this weekend


Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
Directed by Stanley Donen
Starring: Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, Debbie Reynolds & Jean Hagen.

A classic pairing of song and dance and Kelly & Reynolds, Singin’ in the Rain tells the story of a silent-screen swashbuckler who finds love while trying to adjust to the coming of sound.

For tickets online click here for Fox website. Showing are Nov. 23, 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 24, 2 p.m. I just saw this fun movie a year or so ago courtesy of Cinema La Placita on 2nd Saturdays Downtown.

I love the remodeled Fox Theatre at 17 W. Congress St. and go to shows there on 2nd Saturdays Downtown, and other special events. Recently attended a free talk there by Dr. Esther Sternberg, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, as part of the Happiness lecture series. Esther said that surroundings influence happiness and health, and being at the imcomparable Fox Theater is definitely happiness.

If you miss this Fox theater showing, “Singing in the Rain” will also be at the Loft Theater on December 8 and 9, for their Essential Cinema series.

Wish it would rain soon.

Arts, Life

“Money for the Funny” to benefit Unscrewed Improv Comedy troupe’s new theater


Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed Improv Comedy has found a home in Tucson, and it’s called – …

Unscrewed Theater!
3244 E Speedway
Tucson, AZ 85716
(directly across the street from The Loft and right next to Fronimos!)

A one-night benefit show to support Tucson’s newest nonprofit entertainment venue – Unscrewed Theater! This Improv Comedy Fundraising Event will be held on Nov. 23 from 7:00 – 9:00 at The Loft Cinema – 3233 East Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85716. Proceeds will go towards the completion of Unscrewed Theater, Tucson’s Home for Improv – directly across the street from The Loft!


Tickets are $20.00, and available –
* from any NBOJU player
* at the door
* online (click here).

Unscrewed Theater, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is dedicated to teaching, performing, and producing all forms of live improvisational theater in Tucson, AZ. The Theater grand opening is planned for January 2014 – when we’ll open our door for comedy and classes for everyone!

Right in the middle of town, you’ll be able to enjoy affordable, live, family friendly entertainment every Friday and Saturday night. For a measly $5.00. Affordable family entertainment is within your grasp again!

Want to learn our secrets? Improv classes are forming all the time! For the novice or the experience Improviser, we offer three levels of ongoing classes. Designed to help you join us on stage, or just bring your life up a notch. Improv will change your life. We promise.

Keep up with the latest info at:
Twitter – @unscrewedtheater

I’ve been attending these improv comedy shows off and on since my first hilarious dose back in April (click here for my review, which they graciously posted on their website). Where have I been for the 10 years they have been entertaining audiences all over Tucson? Obviously not laughing enough. They’ve been performing on Friday nights (and some Saturdays) at the Revolutionary Grounds Cafe, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Rockin’Java Cafe, the Executive Inns & Suites, and Monterey Court.

Photo above of their new banner at their new location at 3244 E. Speedway, courtesy of free lance photographer Jon Scanlon.

Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed comedy troupe from earlier show, courtesy of Jon Scanlon

Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed comedy troupe from earlier show, courtesy of Jon Scanlon

NBOJU troupe members above performing, L-R: Matt Beaudry, Gretchen Wirges, Michael Pierce, Chris Seidman, and Priscilla Fernandez.

Don’t miss this exicitng, hilarious, family-friendly show on Saturday, November 23.
$5 “unscreweddriver” cocktails start at 6 p.m. Three different improv troupes will be performing, there will be a live auction and a 50/50 raffle, and catering by Fronimo’s Greek Restaurant. Updated info on their new Money for the Funny Facebook page:

Arts, Life, Politics

“The Nightmare Before Christmas” with visual effects animator Pete Kozachik in person (brother of Councilman Steve Kozachik) at Loft Film Fest

The_nightmare_before_christmas_posterSpecial Loft Film Fest showing of the “Nightmare Before Christmas” on November 10, 2 p.m., 3233 E. Speedway Blvd.

Pete Kozachik is an award-winning animator, visual effects artist and cinematographer, who will present a 20th anniversary screening of his first major film, the animated classic The Nightmare Before Christmas, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. Pete’s other credits include Corpse Bride and Coraline. Pete’s next project has just been announced: Auntie Claus, a stop-motion animated feature based on Elise Primavera’s book. Pete is also the brother of Tucson City Councilman Steve Kozachik.

And so begins Tim Burton’s fanciful tale of Pumpkin Kings, Oogie Boogies, and Sandy Claws, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Filled with terrifyingly beautiful sights and one hell of a catchy soundtrack, The Nightmare Before Christmas tells the simple story of Halloween Town’s most famous citizen, Jack Skellington, and his desire to bring the colorful joy of Christmas Town to the German-expressionistic gloom of his community of ghouls through some of the most remarkable stop-motion animation ever seen. (Dir. by Henry Selick, 1993, USA, 76 mins., Rated PG)

About Pete Kozachik
Animator, visual effects artist, and cinematographer Pete Kozachik began collaborating with Henry Selick in 1990, and was the director of photography on the director’s features James and the Giant Peach (for the stop-motion portions) and The Nightmare Before Christmas. On the latter, Mr. Kozachik was also part of the movie’s visual effects team, and as such was an Academy Award nominee.
He was the cinematographer on Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, directed by Mike Johnson and Tim Burton; that stop-motion project was lensed with digital SLR cameras, which had never previously been used for an animated feature.
The Michigan native began his career working as an assistant to an industrial filmmaker while studying graphic arts and physics in school in Arizona. By the time Mr. Kozachik moved to Los Angeles circa 1980, he had directed local area television news and variety shows; shot and edited documentaries for a PBS affiliate; and produced and directed commercials as well as two low-budget animated films. He has since worked on over three dozen features, including James Cameron’s The Abyss and George Lucas’ Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and several hundred commercials.

Pete Kozachik is a graduate of Catalina High School in Tucson, and the University of Arizona (B.A. in Education). He is the Director of photography in this film.

Younger brother Councilman Steve Kozachik is the Honorary Chair of this Loft Film Fest this year. He just won re-election to his Ward 6 seat on November 5, 2013 (click here).

This is a fantastic animated film, which I have seen several times since it came out in 1993. For tickets to the Loft Film Fest running Nov. 7 to 11, click here. Loft members cost $100, General members $125. Individual movie tickets $10 non members, $8 members.


Arts, Life

Cinema Under the Stars gala to benefit the Loft


Saturday, October 26 from 5:30pm – 10:00pm (not at the Loft Theater but at the beautiful Cloudbase Ranch in Southern AZ)

Hosted by: Amy Zuckerman and Morey Brown

$225 per person / $250 after October 16
$1,700 table of 8 / $1,800 after October 16

Event is outdoors
Complimentary valet parking
Two drink tickets included with reservation

Join us for an unforgettable evening of film, fun and food trucks when The Loft presents Cinema Under the Stars, a very special Building for the Future fundraising event guaranteed to be the most unique gala you’ll attend all year!

Forget the expensive evening gown and tuxedo, it’s time to relax and have a good time at this Loft-style celebration with no auctions, no hidden costs and no hidden agendas. In the beautiful outdoor setting of a Southern Arizona ranch, you’ll mix and mingle in the cool night air under the stars and enjoy good company, the finest in local mobile cuisine and best of all, a sneak peek at some of the exciting films and events coming up at the 2013 Loft Film Fest in November, presented on our large outdoor screen for a “drive-in without the cars” experience.

A signature Loft drink and other surprises also await you at this one-of-a-kind fundraising event. Help The Loft move into the future. This is one gala everyone will be talking about, so click HERE to purchase your tickets now – space is limited, so don’t be left out! For more information, please contact Loft Development Director Debi Mabie at

We will send you directions to the party once tickets have been purchased.

I’ve been volunteering at the Loft for five years, and this is one of the most spectacular gala fundraisers they have hosted.

Arts, Life

Free screening of “Peaceable Kingdom”


“Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home”

Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:00pm

Admission Free, at the Loft Theater, 3233 E. Speedway

Presented by Consuming for Change, Healthy You Network, Tribe of Heart.
Intro and post-film Q&A with filmmakers James Laveck and Jenny Stein.

Best Feature Documentary, Moondance Film Festival
Grand Jury Prize, Canada International Film Festival
Audience Award, Environmental Film Festival at Yale
Best Feature Documentary, Peace on Earth Film Festival
Audience Award, Berkshire International Film Festival

Tribe of Heart’s work is also recognized beyond the independent film community for its contribution to the public’s understanding of the ethics of the human-animal relationship, with endorsements from Dr. Jane Goodall, The United Federation of Teachers, and the California Teachers Association.

A riveting story of transformation and healing, Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home explores the awakening conscience of several people who grew up in traditional farming culture and who have now come to question the basic assumptions of their way of life. Presented through a woven tapestry of memories, music, and breathtaking accounts of life-altering moments, the film provides insight into the farmers’ sometimes amazing connections with the animals under their care, while also making clear the complex web of social, psychological and economic forces that have led them to their present dilemma.

Interwoven with the farmers’ stories is the dramatic animal rescue work of a newly-trained humane police officer whose sense of justice puts her at odds with the law she is charged to uphold. With strikingly honest interviews and rare footage demonstrating the emotional lives and intense family bonds of animals most often viewed as living commodities, this groundbreaking documentary shatters stereotypical notions of farmers, farm life, and perhaps most surprisingly, farm animals themselves. (Dir. by Jenny Stein, 2009, USA, 78 mins., NR) Digital

I’ve been volunteering at the Loft for over four years, and enjoy the independent, environmentally friendly movies they have shown.

Arts, Life

Loft Kids Fest July 20 to 28


Super summer excitement returns to The Loft with our seventh annual Loft Kids Fest, formerly known as the Tucson International Children’s Film Festival! Each morning, kids and their parents can experience some of the best children’s films of all-time, along with fun games, interactive activities, super giveaways and crazy surprises. And best of all, it’s FREE!

About our Sponsor

Step into the old wild west at Trail Dust Town! There is fun for the whole family, from amusement rides and live stunt shows to a horse cavalry museum! At the heart of Trail Dust Town is the world-renowned Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse- a family tradition for over fifty years! Try our delicious Cowboy Steak and remember that there are no ties allowed! For more information, visit us at

Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros
Join The Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros at The Loft before A Town Called Panic on July 25! The Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros reside on Dragoon Street in Trail Dust Town. The Pistoleros perform high-impact stunt shows with lots of high-falls, low-falls, fistfights, explosions, and family friendly slapstick comedy! See their stunt shows nightly at 7:00pm & 8:00pm!

Loft Kids Fest Kick Off at Trail Dust Town! / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Friday, Jul 19th 2013

To celebrate the kick off of the Loft Kids Fest, Trail Dust Town will have festivities on Friday, July 19 in The Savoy Opera House starting at 5:30pm! Wild West Trick Roper Loop Rawlins will perform, and we will screen his short film The Adventures Of Loop & Rhett!

Enjoy free musical entertainment, face-painting, balloon animals, and more!

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Sing-A-Long! / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Saturday, Jul 20th 2013

Take a wild trip into the world’s most scrumdillyumptious chocolate factory in this confectionary classic about a young boy named Charlie and his search for the golden ticket that will gain him access to the mysterious Willy Wonka’s candy-coated wonderland.

Matilda / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Sunday, Jul 21st 2013

Based on the children’s book by Roald Dahl, this is the basis for the current Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. Don’t mess with Matilda!

The Point / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Monday, Jul 22nd 2013

This charming animated musical, featuring pop music by Harry Nilsson and narrated by Ringo Starr, tells the story of Oblio, a round-headed boy living in the land of “Point,” where everything and everyone has one (a pointed head, that is).

The Painting / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Tuesday, Jul 23rd 2013

In this beautifully animated, action packed new film from France, the characters from a painting burst through the canvas and find themselves in the Painter’s studio.

The Land Before Time / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Wednesday, Jul 24th 2013

See what life was like when dinosaurs ruled the Earth in this fun animated adventure from director Don Bluth (An American Tail) and producer Steven Spielberg (years before he told a much scarier dinosaur tale in Jurassic Park).

A Town Called Panic / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Thursday, Jul 25th 2013

The wild, wild west was never quite THIS wild! In this delightfully wacky stop-motion extravaganza from Belgium, three plastic toys named Cowboy, Indian and Horse share a rambling house in a rural town that never fails to attract the craziest events.

Old West stunt show performed by the Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros before the movie!

Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Friday, Jul 26th 2013

Everyone’s favorite Little Tramp rescues an abandoned baby, and over the years The Kid grows into an adorable 6-year old ragamuffin who becomes the Tramp’s inseparable sidekick.

Looney Tunes on the Big Screen! / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Saturday, Jul 27th 2013

Relive the Saturday mornings of yesteryear with your favorite Warner Brothers characters in a zany collection of vintage Looney Tunes cartoons on the big screen!

Shrek / Loft Kids Fest
One showing only! Sunday, Jul 28th 2013

Based on the children’s book by William Steig, Shrek is a true animated classic with something for kids and adults alike.

I’ve been reporting on this children’s film festival for several years now, as well as volunteering at this independent film theater. This is one of their most popular family events, all for free. And check out other freebie offers for the festival as well, like goodie bags, popcorn, books, pre-movie entertainment by Mildred & Dildred Toy Store.

Arts, Life

Winner of 2013 German Film Awards “Hannah Arendt” at the Loft


“Hannah Arendt” coming to the Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Blvd.

Starts Friday, July 19
Winner: Best Film in Silver & Best Actress, German Film Awards 2013

In the award-winning new biopic Hannah Arendt, acclaimed actress Barbara Sukowa (Veronika Decides to Die) reteams with director Margarethe von Trotta (Vision: From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen) for a gripping look at the influential and provocative German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist. Hannah Arendt’s reporting on the 1961 trial of ex-Nazi Adolf Eichmann in The New Yorker – controversial both for her portrayal of Eichmann and the Jewish councils – introduced her now-famous concept of the “Banality of Evil.”

Using footage from the actual Eichmann trial and weaving a narrative that spans three countries, von Trotta skillfully transforms the often invisible passion for intellectual thought into immersive, dramatic and compelling cinema.

An Official Selection at the Toronto International and New York Jewish Film Festivals, Hannah Arendt also co-stars Klaus Pohl as philosopher Martin Heidegger, Nicolas Woodeson as New Yorker editor William Shawn and two-time Oscar Nominee Janet McTeer (Albert Nobbs) as novelist Mary McCarthy. (Dir. by Margarethe von Trotta, 2012, Germany, in German with subtitles, 113 mins., Zeitgeist Films) Digital

Check out this fascinating film about a German-American woman reporting on a very crucial trial in post-WWII Germany. Read more about this political theorist here.
And watch the trailer of this emotionally charged film, which opens on Friday July 19, with two showings at 12 noon (theater 2 upstairs), and 5:10 p.m. (the large theater 1).
