Life, Politics

Laughing Liberally at La Cocina tonight

Laughing Liberally Tucson Comedy Showcase (FREE), with host Phil Gordon
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
La Cocina Restaurant
201 N. Court Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701

Laughing Liberally Tucson will present a monthly Comedy Showcase on the first Tuesdays of each month. Laughing Liberally Tucson will be a place for local performers to present material in a politically friendly environment. 2012 promises to be an exciting year in politics and Laughing Liberally Tucson is ready to step up and do our part to save democracy one laugh at a time.

They encourage the audience to eat dinner at La Cocina first, and 10% of the proceeds go to the Community Food Bank. Republican former Ward 6 Councilmember Fred Ronstadt will be appearing tonight.

Comedy from Phil Gordon’s blog:

“Does Mitt Romney seem like the senior prom date you made at Christmas and now regret?”

“Did you know that President Obama did send Donald Trump his birth certificate but it was returned to sender because he used a food stamp?”

Check out this new chapter of Laughing Liberally tonight and have a good laugh (it’s healthy).

Life, Politics

Living Liberally in Arizona

Six chapters of Drinking Liberally exist in Arizona– in Flagstaff, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sierra Vista, Tempe and Tucson. Drop by the Tucson one, every Thursday at 7 p.m. at The Shanty, 401 E. 9th Street (at 4th Avenue), to join in with this group which advertises itself as “promoting democracy one pint at a time.”

Drinking Liberally is (paraphrased from their websites):”An informal, inclusive progressive social group” of “like-minded, left-leaning individuals” who need a place to discuss political issues. They encourage all to “just come and learn from peers, trade jokes, vent frustration and hang out in an environment where it’s not taboo to talk politics.” They also believe that “the idea of an American Republic was born in the taverns of the American colonies. The dreams that shape tomorrow’s America will also be born in our taverns, among everyday folks.” Hence, the locales, in taverns across America.

This week’s topic is focusing on your opinions on local, state and national issues. Sometimes they have guest speakers, mostly politicians or community leaders. Although the group does meet in a bar/restaurant, they do not encourage drunk driving by any means.

Drinking Liberally is a project of Living Liberally, “an organization which builds progressive communities through social networks and events. Living Liberally also runs Laughing Liberally, the political comedy project; Screening Liberally, a series of socially-conscious films; Eating Liberally, events with good gab and great grub; and Reading Liberally, book tours for progressive authors. (Living Liberally is a New York-based LLC, led by a team in NYC and fueled by the energy of hundreds of volunteers and partners around the country.)”

Whew, that’s a lot of liberals and progressives isn’t it? Check out the website for this community of liberal thinkers:

Whatever your political bias may be, consider a visit with these folks who do welcome all viewpoints. I’ve dropped by on occasion to drink my cranberry juice and talk politics, being as I used to be a legislative aide to a powerful U.S. Senator on Capitol Hill in my younger days. Remind me to tell you about the time in D.C.when I spoke with actor John Denver on the phone….
but not sure how liberal he was.
