Life, Politics

CD 2 ballots finalized: Congressman Ron Barber wins by 2454 votes

The Arizona Secretary of State has posted the final & unofficial results of the 2012 General Election for CD 2, here in Southern Arizona (although ballots are still being counted statewide). Pima County Elections finalized their ballot count today Nov. 19. Congressman Ron Barber (incumbent in CD 8) has won by 2454 votes. Automatic recounts only occur if the margin of victory is less than 200 votes per state law. Barber declared victory on Nov. 17 and McSally conceded on that day as well.

Ron Barber (D) 147,338, 50.32%
Martha McSally (R) 144,884, 49.48 %

This was a very close race, with early and provisional ballots in the thousands being counted in Pima and Cochise Counties since Election Night November 6. The lead changed many times, but Barber ultimately began to take the lead on Saturday November 10. McSally was leading on the morning of November 7 by 1312 votes when I first reported the Arizona general election results.

Barber was first elected to Congress in CD 8 in June, 2012 by defeating Republican Jesse Kelly in a special election. Then Barber won the CD 2 primary in August, 2012 against LD 29 Rep. Dr. Matt Heinz. Barber was chosen by his former employer, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords to run in CD 8 after she resigned in January, 2012, to spend more time in her physical recovery from the 1/8/11 Tucson Tragedy shooting. Giffords and her retired astronaut husband Mark Kelly have since moved back to Tucson, from Houston, Texas.

Congratulations Congressman Barber.

Congressman Ron Barber

Life, Politics

2012 Arizona General Election updates

Most of you know by now that thousands of early and provisional ballots weren’t counted on Election night November 6, and are in the process of being counted by each county elections division in Arizona. I will daily report updates & any changes of status on this post, so check back here. Counting must be done by next Friday Nov. 16 per state law, but apparently extensions are allowed.

Updated: 11/19/12 5:30 p.m. (see below)

Prop. 118 Permanent State Land Fund was losing on Election Night but has flipped to the winning side & the gap is widening:

YES 946,568
NO 926,414

Prop. 409 Bonds for City Street Improvements (switched to winning side on Nov. 12, first time since Election Night. No votes to be counted 11/17/12 but counting of provisional ballots resumed on 11/18/12.) Final tally done 11/19/12 and Prop. 409 won by 953 votes.

YES 72,483
NO 71,530

The Congressional race in CD 2 has been very close and the lead has been switching back & forth, but Barber started leading on Nov. 10 and has declared victory, with McSally conceding on 11/17/12). Final tally done 11/19/12, Barber won by 2454 votes.

Ron Barber (D), incumbent CD 8, 147,338
Martha McSally (R) 144,884

I will continue to monitor the AZ Sec. of State website (click here) and the Pima County Elections Division website (click here) for updates on Prop. 118, Prop. 409 and CD 2.

Apparently in CD 1 Democratic former Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick has declared victory over Republican Jonathan Paton, who has conceded. Paton has now ran for Congress twice (in CD 8 and CD 2) and lost both races.

No change so far in who’s leading in other close races (and I will only update if there is any change of status):

LD 9 House (Republican Ethan Orr and Democrat Victoria Steele leading for 2 seats)

LD 10 House (Democrats Stefanie Mach & incumbent Bruce Wheeler leading for 2 seats)

PCC Governing Board District 5 (incumbent Marty Cortez leading for one seat)

TUSD Governing Board (Kristel Foster, incumbent Mark Stegeman, & Camy Juarez leading for 3 seats)

The other races appear to be decided, but stay tuned till the final & official count.

For my Election night posts, click here for the candidate tally, and here for the propositions tally, updated to 11/9/12 but for only the close races.

Life, Politics

AZ Daily Star & Tucson Weekly endorsements for 2012 Pima County offices

Arizona Daily Star has issued a few endorsements for Pima County offices:

Mark Napier (R) for Sheriff,

Nancy Young Wright (D) for Pima County Supervisor District 1 (open seat),

Sharon Bronson (D) for Pima County Supervisor District 3, incumbent,

Tucson Weekly’s 2012 endorsements,

Clarence Dupnik (D) for Sheriff, incumbent

F. Ann Rodriguez (D) for Recorder, incumbent

Beth Ford (R) for Treasurer, incumbent


District 1: Nancy Young Wright (D)

District 2: Ramon Valadez (D), incumbent

District 3: Sharon Bronson (D), incumbent

District 5: Richard Elias (D), incumbent

District 4 Supervisor Ray Carroll (R) is running unopposed, and won his primary in August, as did School Superintendent Linda Arzoumanian (R). Assessor Bill Staples (D) had no opponent in either the Primary or General. And Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall (D) is facing only a Green Party opponent in the General Election (whom she has defeated before).

Early voting starts today (October 11), so vote wisely on or before the November 6th General Election.

Life, Politics

LWV Voter Guide & upcoming discussions on 2012 AZ Ballot Propositions

League of Women Voters of Arizona Education Fund has published an informative Voter Guide for the 2012 Arizona Ballot Propositions. It’s online here in English and Spanish:

The print version is available at the Pima County public libraries and at the Tucson League office starting today:

League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson
2424 E. Broadway Suite 110
Tucson, AZ 85719

Four Upcoming Discussions hosted by the LWV on this Voter Guide:

9/22 Oro Valley library, 2 to 4 p.m., 1305 W. Naranja Drive, Oro Valley, 85737

9/29 Dusenberry-River Branch library, 2 to 4 p.m., 5605 E. River Road, Tucson 85750

10/5 Joel D. Valdez Main Library, 11 to 1 p.m., 101 N. Stone Ave.,Tucson 85701

10/6 Murphy-Wilmot Branch Library, 2 to 4 p.m., 530 N. Wilmot Rd.,Tucson 85711

Three are 9 propositions on the General Election ballot:

Prop. 114 Crime Victims Protection Act
Prop. 115 Judicial Selection
Prop. 116 Small Business Job Creation Act
Prop. 117 Property Tax Assessed Valuation
Prop. 118 Permanent State Land Fund
Prop. 119 State Trust Lands
Prop. 120 State Sovereignty
Prop. 121 Open Elections/Open Government
Prop. 204 Quality Education & Jobs

Pick up this guide or read it online, and vote wisely on or before Nov. 6th. Take the time to read and educate yourself about these propositions, to make your voting easier & quicker.

Life, Politics

City’s General Election final results: Scott retains Ward 4 Council seat

On General Election night, the vote difference between 4-term Ward 4 Democratic Councilmember Shirley Scott and her Republican challenger political newcomer Tyler Vogt was 1754. Click here for those results. Over the past few days the City Elections has been counting the remaining ballots cast at the polls (verifying signatures, then processing the ballots). Scott’s lead increased to 1862 on the final count. Tyler Vogt is the older brother of LD 30 House Rep. Ted Vogt.

The final count was released today:

Shirley Scott (D, incumbent) 42,029 (50.99%)
Tyler Vogt (R), 40,167 (48.73%)

Mayor of Tucson
Mary DeCamp (G), 4197 (4.94%)
Rick Grinnell (R), 33,926 (39.91%)
*Jonathan Rothschild (D), 46,723 (54.96%)

Ward 1
Beryl Baker (G) 24,976 (34.04%)
*Regina Romero (D, incumbent), 47,451 (64.67%)

Ward 2
*Paul Cunningham (D, incumbent) 47,366 (56.89%)
Jennifer Rawson (R), 35,727 (42.91%)

*Rothschild, Romero, and Cunningham won their races on General Election night, Nov. 8, 2011.
This was the City of Tucson’s first vote-by-mail General Election, and voter turnout was 31.07 %.

Mayor-elect Jonathan Rothschild

Ward 1 Councilmember Regina Romero

Ward 2 Councilmember Paul Cunningham

Ward 4 Councilmember Shirley Scott

Life, Politics

2011 City of Tucson General Election results

Today’s General Election results are just in, and here’s who is leading in the Mayoral and three City Council seats up for election:

Mary DeCamp (G) 3,617 (4.77%)
Rick Grinnell (R) 30,435 (40.13%)
Jonathan Rothschild (D) 41,638 (54.9%)

Council ward 1:
Beryl Baker (G) 22,301 (34.04%)
Regina Romero (D, incumbent) 42,411 (64.74%)

Council ward 2:
Paul Cunningham (D, incumbent) 42,406 (54.80%)
Jennifer Rawson (R) 31,951 (43.00%)

Councl ward 4:
Shirley Scott (D, incumbent) 37,572 (51.06%)
Tyler Vogt (R) 35,818 (48.68%)

Stay tuned for the final ballot tally after countng of the provisional ballots cast today at the 7 poll locations. This was the City’s first vote-by-mail general electon and 27.71 % of the registered voters cast ballots (as of today’s tally). 211,265 total ballots were mailed out on/about October 19, out of a total of 274,706 registered voters.

But meanwhile, congratulatons to all the winners, Mayor-elect Rothschild, Councilmembers Romero and Cunningham. Councilmember Scott’s race (1754 vote difference) may be too close to call with 7,500 ballots still to be counted.

11/9/11 update: Star reporting that 8,400 ballots left to be counted, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon:

11/10/11 Update: Councilmember Scott wins by 1862 votes (click here).

Life, Politics

Mayoral candidate recap: DeCamp vs. Grinnell vs. Rothschild

The City of Tucson’s General Election for a new Mayor and three City Councilmembers is taking place right now, with the City’s first vote-by-mail general election. Wards 1, 2 and 4 are up for election, and the Mayor’s race has no incumbent running, with Republican Mayoral Bob Walkup stepping down after 3 terms (12 years) in office.

For those of you still trying to decide whom to vote for Mayor, you can view these online debates:

KUAT Channel 6 of all three Mayoral candidates on October 13 (click here).

KVOI 1030 AM Buckmaster radio Show of all three Mayoral candidates on October 21 (click here).

Brief synopsis of who’s running for Mayor:

–Mary Decamp (Green), community activist, Connector for PRO Neighborhoods, former college instructor, currently camping out at Occupy Tucson at Armory Park downtown. She ran for the Ward 3 Council seat unsuccessfully in 2009, defeated fellow activist/former 2007 Mayoral candidate Dave Croteau in their Green Party Primary in August, 2011.

–Rick Grinnell (Republican), lobbyist (one client of his company Strategic United Business Strategies is Rosemont Copper), Board Member on new reconstituted Rio Nuevo Multi Purpose Facilities District, received 7,770 write-in votes in the August Republican primary, ran twice before unsuccessfully for Ward 2 Council seat (1995 and 1999).

–Jonathan Rothschild (Democrat), attorney/former managing partner of his law firm of Mesch, Clark & Rothschld originally founded by his father Lowell, former Treasurer of Pima County Democratic Party, political newcomer, faced no opposition in the August Democratic primary. Rothschild was endorsed by the Arizona Daily Star on October 16.

Campaign websites below (or click here for previous blog for all Mayoral/Council candidates websites).

Mary DeCamp (G),
Rick Grinnell (R),
Jonathan Rothschild (D),

Ballots were mailed out on October 19. Your vote-by-mail ballot must be received by City Elections by 7 p.m. on Tuesday November 8. Mail early.

Mary DeCamp, Green candidate

Rick Grinnell, Republican

Jonathan Rothschild, Democrat

Life, Media, Politics

All 3 City Mayoral candidates to debate on Buckmaster radio show

Here’s information for those of you undecided about the upcoming City of Tucson Mayoral election since vote-by-mail ballots were mailed yesterday on October 19– listen to the Buckmaster Show on KVOI AM 1030 radio tomorrow, at high noon to hear all 3 Mayoral candidates debate. I am sure that host Bill Buckmaster will ask them several tough questions about the City of Tucson’s financial & management woes, for this hour long special show.

Who’s running for Mayor (no incumbent):
Mary DeCamp (G)
Rick Grinnell (R)
Jonathan Rothschild (D)

And if you miss it live, log onto later in the afternoon to hear the Standard Podcast recording. I often do that whenever I’ve been busy at lunchtime.

Read my previous blog about campaign websites of these candidates, plus those running for City Council Wards 1, 2 and 4 (click here).

Vote wisely on/before the General Election on November 8. For information on where to vote in person, here’s the City of Tucson website with 7 voting locations (click here).

UPDATE: Here’s the link for the 10/21/11 show,

Life, Politics

Arizona Daily Star endorses Rothschild for Mayor; Cunningham, Romero & Vogt for Council seats

This week the daily newspaper the Arizona Daily Star endorsed 3 Democrats and 1 Republican for the upcoming Mayoral & Council seats:

For Mayor– “Leadership”, Jonathan Rothschild (D):

for Ward 2 Council — “Let Cunningham keep his Ward 2 Seat”, incumbent Paul Cunningham (D):

for Ward 1 Council — “Dem Romero is best candidate for Ward 1 seat”, incumbent Regina Romero (D): (Green candidate Beryl Baker declined to be interviewed by the Star editorial board as they wanted to interview her and Romero separately, unlike the candidates in the Ward 2 or 4 races.)

for Ward 4 Council — “Tyler Vogt’s cooperative approach needed” – Tyler Vogt (R) (Republican candidate Tyler Vogt declined to be interviewed by the Star editorial board stating “I have very little confidence that our meeting will result in an unbiased presentation of my platform, qualifications and opinions.”)

Vote-by-mail starts this week, with ballots being mailed out on October 19 (today). Vote wisely on/before the General Election on November 8.

And stay tuned for endorsements from the Thursday alternative newspaper, the Tucson Weekly.
Update 11/3/11: No endorsements have come out from the Weekly this election cycle.

Life, Politics

No more write-in candidates for 2011 City of Tucson elections – deadline was 5 p.m. July 21 (updated)

That’s all folks: the deadline is past for filing by any other person desiring to become a write-in candidate for Mayor of the City of Tucson or for Council seats in Wards 1, 2, and 4. *

Update 7/22/11 late afternoon per Tucson City Clerk’s website: Last minute Republican filed for Mayor: Construction worker Daryl A. Peterson, so stay tuned. And Green Beryl Baker filed as a write-in candidate for the Ward 1 City Council seat, which she ran for before in 2007. She got 26.62% of the vote then compared to Regina Romero’s 72.86%.

Remember that the City of Tucson has changed this year to vote- by- mail, where ballots will be mailed to registered voters on August 10, with the actual primary election being on August 30. Absolute deadline to drop off your ballot is 7 p.m. on August 30. (Voter registration cut off date is August 1, so there’s still time to register). The primary election ballots MUST be in the possession of the city personnel by 7 p.m. on August 30 — so mark your ballot & mail early.

7 locations will be open on August 30 for voters to:

• Drop off your ‘voted’ vote-by-mail ballot, or
• Bring your vote-by-mail ballot, cast the ballot in person and drop it in the ballot box, or
• Receive and vote a vote-by-mail replacement ballot

Voting Locations Days of Operation/ Hours of Operation for both the primary & general:
Randolph Golf Complex
600 S. Alvernon Way
August 30, 2011
November 8, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Quincie Douglas Library
1585 E. 36th Street
August 30, 2011
November 8, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Clements Center
8155 E. Poinciana Drive
August 30, 2011
November 8, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox
1145 E. Ft. Lowell Road
August 30, 2011
November 8, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Udall Park Recreation Center
7200 E. Tanque Verde Road
August 30, 2011
November 8, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Valencia Branch Library
202 W. Valencia Road
August 30, 2011
November 8, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Tucson City Clerk Elections
800 E. 12th Street
August 11 – August 29, 2011
8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Mon-Fri

August 30, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

October 20 – November 7, 2011
8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Mon-Fri

November 8, 2011
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

As to who’s running, refer to my previous blog which lists the campaign websites of almost all the candidates, including 3 write-ins – click here.

There is now two Republican Mayoral write-in candidates Rick Grinnell and Daryl Peterson, plus three Democratic ones, David Karr, Joseph Maher, Jr., and Rich Kessler. The latter was listed on the City of Tucson’s webpage as of 7/15/11, but I don’t have any information on him to date, except that he is “retired.” ^

There is only one write-in Council candidate. Green Party candidate Beryl Baker has filed as a write-in to challenge the winner of the Ward 1 Democratic primary, either incumbent Romero or challenger Flores. I believe that Baker only needs to get 3 Green Party write-in votes to qualify for the General election.

And for more info on City of Tucson’s Elections, go to their website: *I’ve been awaiting the Tucson City Clerk’s updating of their 2011 candidate listing or an email reply about this deadline being past.

^Kessler has withdrawn from this race (updated 8/5/11).
