Arts, Life, Politics

9/11 Commemorative Concert at Temple Emanu-El tonight

“Songs of Humanity: A 9/11 Commemorative Concert” at Temple Emanu-El

Saturday, September 11th at 7:30 pm, the 9th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11, the Tucson Multi-Faith Alliance will hold a community prayer service entitled Songs of Humanity: A 9/11 Commemorative Concert at Temple Emanu-El.

Musical representatives of many different faith communities will participate in a concert of instrumental and vocal music. (From Temple Emanu-
El website,

My husband and I attended last year’s 9/11 multi-faith service at the same temple and here’s my write up on that somber event (click here ). Speakers/performers from the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Baha’i, and Sikh communities of Tucson participated last year.

The Tucson Multi-Faith Alliance’s mission statement is “building mutual understanding and community across the boundary lines of religion, race, creed, orientation and ability.”

Temple Emanu-El in Tucson

Temple Emanu-El is at 225 N. Country club, north of Broadway, phone (520) 327-4501. It is the oldest Reform Jewish synagogue in Tucson.
