Life, Politics

Senators McCain and Kyl to speak at Lincoln Day Dinner on Feb. 19

The Pima County Republican Party is hosting a Lincoln Day dinner on Friday Feb. 19, 6:15 p.m. at The Manning House, 450 W. Paseo Redondo in downtown Tucson. Both Arizona U.S. Senators John McCain (up for reelection in November, 2010) and Jon Kyl are scheduled to speak at this upcoming event. Tickets are $40 each and there will be a silent auction, and an awards ceremony for dedicated precinct committee men and women. Statewide and local Republican candidates will be attending.

(Update at 1 p.m on Feb. 15: this event is sold out)!

In October, 2009 the Pima County Republican Party sponsored “A Tribute to WW II Veterans” event. It was held at the Pima Air and Space Museum with over 800 people
in attendance. Senator John McCain was the keynote speaker. It was decided that any moneys collected at that event above cost would be donated to the “Wounded Warrior Project”. At the Lincoln Day Dinner a check will be presented to Senator John McCain as a representative of the “Wounded Warrior Project”.

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, was the first Republican elected to that office, and served from 1861 to 1865. Prior to his election, he had been a practicing lawyer, an Illinois state house legislator, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and twice an unsuccessful candidate for U.S. Senate.

President Abraham Lincoln

President Abraham Lincoln

President Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. His birthday is now usually celebrated as Presidents’ Day (today!) along with 1st President George Washington, whose birthday was on February 22.

Contact for information or log online at They have been hosting this Lincoln Day Dinner for over 20 years.

The Pima County Republican Party headquarters is located at 5447 E. 5th St., Suite 100 (west of Craycroft), in Tucson, phone 520-321-1492.

Happy Presidents’ Day!


0 thoughts on “Senators McCain and Kyl to speak at Lincoln Day Dinner on Feb. 19

  1. Claire says:

    “Said former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas: “There’s nobody who can match McCain’s record on fiscal responsibility.” JD just keeps recycling the same rhetoric instead of facing the music. He needs to explain himself, or, better yet, just quit

  2. Annie O. says:

    McCain has this election in the bag – and thank goodness! He’s what our country needs to get back on track, and I’m not the only one who thinks so… Sen. Jon Kyl was stated as saying we need McCain “to stop the wasteful spending, get our economy moving again, and protect our national security,” and Flake says he is an “enemy of the big spenders in Washington.

  3. Garrett says:

    In that interview, McCain said “I know I have to earn the votes, but I’m confident. I will work hard.” Good for him. he IS a hard campaigner and will work for the voter’s trust – the trustworthiness that he’s always been good for. opponent Hayworth lies through his teeth but I don’t understand how some people can’t see through the fake. He’d buy everyone’s votes if he could, and spend the money on booze

  4. barbara in tacoma says:

    When are you going to wake up and get rid of this idiot. I can’t believe you people keep on electing an idiot. All during military career was cheating on his wife. The man lacted on to Palin and Brown to boost his image.Time to get rid of the fossel

  5. No way we need to get rid of him and replace him with the likes of a corrupt man like JD Hayworth!!!  JD has proven NOTHING during his years in Congress-and as if this is not enough to convince me, he is associated with that criminal Abramoff-and if that was not enough to convince me, he campaigns for himself on radio and is forced to step down…now that is who we do not need in Washington representing us.  We need to keep McCain fighting for us, esp on the big issues like foreign policy, healthcare and fiscal responsibility!

  6. I agree, there is nobody running that could measure up to the likes of John McCain.  He has served us so well.  JD offers nothing but lies and selfishness.  McCain gets my vote!

  7. Carolyn Classen says:

    About 250 people were present at El Presidio Park to hear former CD5 Congressman JD Hayworth announce his candidacy for U.S. Senate, with the endorsement of former candidate Chris Simcox (who withdrew today).  JD calls himself “the consistent conservative” and criticized Senator McCain, saying there were two of him, the one that “campaigns like a Conservative” but “legislates like a Liberal.”   Speaking before Hayworth were Jon Justice (talk show host), and candidates Jesse Kelly (CD8 House) and Ruth McClung (CD7 House).

  8. Well, I guess if 250 people want to vote for JD, that is sad.  They obviously do not know that he already spent 13 years failing in office.  McCain has not failed, and on the contrary, has stood up to this Obama administration for the citizens of the US.  He will be re-elected for a reaon.

  9. tiponeill says:

    McCain is a doddering old fool and proved it to the nation. JD is worse, of course, but I’m considering changing my registration and voting for him.
    It would be nice to get a sensible Democrat in office for a change.

  10. kate says:

    I seem to remember a presidential candidate who stopped his campaign to rush to the senate to vote yes on Tarp.  Now that was fiscal responsibility. s/o  More reach across the isle, stab the conservatives in the back kind of senator, with only conservative credentials when it’s election season.   Thank you for your great sacrifice and service to this nation John McCain, but please retire.

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