Life, Sports

Ernie McCray, former Arizona Wildcat basketball player, honored at McKale Center last Saturday

He humbly told me this afternoon in thanking me for my Tucson Portrait Project blog that he had been in the Arizona Daily Star newspaper on Sunday. I remembered reading the front page article so I quickly checked the hard copy and realized that the Ernie McCray who had been commenting on our TC blogs for months, was the same man who was honored at McKale Center on February 13, for being the Wildcat basketball player who scored a record 46 points in one game against Los Angeles State, back on 2/6/1960. He still holds the record for the most points scored in any Wildcat game.

And these are his words to me that he was honored “just for scoring a bunch of points in a basketball game on a magical day close to the middle of the last Century. I must be old (smile).” Wow, just a bunch of 46 points.

But the story goes on to say that Ernie could not join his team for dinner at a restaurant later as he knew that he would not be served. Yes, racism existed back then against Black Americans here in the Old Pueblo. But Ernie is not bitter or angry according to the article.

Read more about Ernie, who is now 71 years old and a resident of San Diego, in the Star article (click here). He went on to get his Masters Degree from U of A as well and overcame the racism he had experienced along his life.

Ernie McCray receiving standing ovation at McKale Center (courtesy of Ernie)

Congratulations Ernie for your record and for your loyalty to the Wildcats. I am pleased that while here last weekend you admired the Dia de Los Muertos art mural that “Artistic Tucson” blogged about at Speedway/Stone, and that you enjoyed seeing our faces immortalized on the tile portrait project under the 4th Avenue Underpass.

I have enjoyed your astute and kind comments over the months, and am happy for your recent honor. I used to play basketball with friends in my younger days and I know that what you did was a big deal, not just a “bunch of points”. Congratulations again from us here at the Tucson Citizen.

For more information about Ernie, see his website/blogsite OB Rag:


0 thoughts on “Ernie McCray, former Arizona Wildcat basketball player, honored at McKale Center last Saturday

  1. erniemccray says:

    Well muchas gracias to you. I loved my hometown then although it had a few screwy rules when it came to people like me. And although Tucson, as does any city, has a way to go, I am so proud of what it has become and how it has embraced me over the years. I appreciate, of course, that I’m in the University of Arizona and the Pima County and Tucson High Athletic Halls of Fame – but I’m really stoked that I’m on the Wall of Fame for my contributions to society at my beloved Tucson High and that in 2000 I gave the baccalaureate talk to that year’s graduates. Those are high honors in my life and I’ve been fortunate enough to have a few.
    And because of the racism that confronted black people when I was growing up my life has been dedicated to striking out against discrimination wherever I find it. Along these lines I had the honor of delivering the keynote address at the University’s first LGBTQ & Allied Graduation Celebration back in May of 2008. For me life doesn’t get any better than that.
    Being recognized the other night with a nice standing ovation, no less, just lifts the spirit of this gray bearded 71 year old. I know even if I live to be a hundred that life for me is mostly done. But I’m having a whole bunch of fun because trying to make the world a better place is just that – a bunch of fun. It makes getting up in the morning something very pleasurable to do. And I love Tucson Citizen. com because it keeps me in touch with my roots.
    I’d like to share in another comment what I wrote regarding all the hullabaloo surrounding my “bunch of points.” Until then: Bear! Down!

  2. erniemccray says:

    THE LITTLE DITTY Re: 46 Points
    I”ve spent a life
    just trying to love
    and be loved
    and have a lot of fun.
    It’s something you have to do
    one day at a time,
    one by one.
    And on that journey one day
    I had a basketball game to play
    and I suited up just like
    it was any other day;
    we shot some layups
    and jump shots
    and whipped the ball around
    while Go! Go! Wildcats! Go!
    dominated the sounds
    in the background.
    Then the ref blew a whistle
    and in all the jumping
    and running around,
    it seemed like the ball
    was in my hand a lot
    both from crisp spot on passes
    and a ton of rebounds
    and I was firing them up
    and for the most part
    they were going down
    and except for
    the team from LA State,
    when that game was over,
    there wasn’t a frown
    to be found
    on anyone’s face…
    I’ve never felt such jubilation as there was
    that night in that place.
    Now I knew I had
    scored a few points
    but I had to do a double take:
    Did you say 46?
    Quarenta seis?
    How many drinks
    have you poured down your face?
    Nobody can score 46 points
    and claim membership in the human race.
    I felt like a creature
    from outer space.
    And that it’s even mentioned
    at this time and place,
    blows me away.
    I was just having fun
    at age twenty-one,
    having no idea
    that when that
    night was done
    I had set a record
    that would last
    until I was seventy-one.
    As a human being
    I’m still having fun
    and being remembered like this
    is a moment I’ll cherish
    until my days are done.
    And I’d like to render
    my appreciation
    to anyone
    who even cares
    about my historic
    moment of fun –
    but I’d particularly like
    to say thanks to
    Nancy Yaeli
    who wanted my
    little contribution
    to Wildcat Basketball History
    and she
    made that come alive
    to which I say there’s nothing more precious
    than having a beautiful
    new friend show up in
    one’s life.

    • leftfield says:

      Congratulations Ernie.  I enjoyed the article in the paper and saved it for my daughter, who is seventeen, loves basketball, and plays for her high school.  I’m hoping the basketball angle will pique her interest and that she’ll learn something about history and life at the same time.

      Keep on shining!

      • erniemccray says:

        Thanks, left. It’s so great seeing girls play basketball as well as they do, having been given a chance to for a while now. One of my granddaughters played high school basketball and watching her was just sheer joy. She loves the game and I sure can identify. Tell your daughter she’s just gained an old basketball loving gray bearded dude as a fan and as such I can’t help but encourage her to Bear! Down! It’s the only way to play.

  3. Carolyn Classen says:

    Thanks Ernie for sharing more information about what a great role model you have been to students here in Arizona. Keep having fun and sharing your joy and wisdom with us bloggers and our readers.

    • erniemccray says:

      That you can count on. If I stop sharing you know I have either gone on for that “reward” we hear so much about or the “wisdom” box or “reality” box has short circuited in my brain. Then I’d probably share anyway with people going: “What on earth did he say?” (smile) Being involved is ensconced in my DNA.

  4. Carolyn Classen says:

    Hey wildcat fans, Ernie was honored in the 2010 Homecoming parade just now, riding in a snazzy convertible. I ran over & shook his hand! Glad to meet you you Ernie & welcome home for Homecoming.

    • Ernie McCray says:

      Carolyn, it was great meeting you and your husband. I had a great time at Homecoming: basking in a lot of love from my classmates in the Class of ’60 who responded to a little poem/rap I read for them; receiving an award from the UA Black Alumni as we celebrated our progress as a people; watching the football team put away the Huskies. An extra bonus was watching an old friend, Delano Price, joining me in the Pima County Athletic Hall of Fame on Sunday for his role on my alma mater’s (Tucson High) Championship basketball team in the late 60’s.
      It was like a whirlwind and I’m back home in San Diego, in a daze, wondering where the weekend ran off to. Keep on Bearing Down over there. And thanks for coming up to me in my” snazzy convertible.” You’re a hero of mine with the work you do in my hometown.

      • Carolyn Classen says:

        wow, thanks for the praise Ernie, but you’re the guy we are proud of for being a Wildcat star.  Glad to finally meet you, and glad you enjoyed Homecoming 2010.  Great score too.

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